tiki asks "But why? For what reason are they maintaining such a massive database?"
We can reverse this scenario and ask, " For what reason would the publishers want a massive data base on the elders, traveling overseer's and the Governing Body?"
We should also ask what kind of information should be in the data base and which the publishers would have easy access to?
First, the kind of information.
- Mental capacity/health/defects/handicaps
- Physical capacity/health/handicaps
- Education - all aspects including grade school, college, courses, university etc.
- Work experience - type of work, position, performance,
- Criminal records
- Marital relationship[s] - number and gender of children / age / standing in congregation [ wife's also]
- Record of time spent in field ministry since baptism
- Number of bible studies conducted [ past and present]
- Names, locations and dates of all congregations attended since baptism
- Positions held in congregation [dates and locations]
- Records of disciplinary action taken by the congregation
- Basically an exhaustive resume of someone to whom you will entrust your care and the care of your family.
Now what would be the list of reasons for every publisher to have easy access to all of this information?